Stixy is a free, online tool for creating, collaborating and sharing. It is a type of online bulletin board. You can create as many Stixyboards as you want so that you can organize projects. Use it for scheduling, family events, work projects, school projects, and more. You can add notes, documents, photos, and to do lists.
You can easily share your Stixyboard with anyone (private only to those invited, or open it up to the public). I like the fact that you can easily add content using the widgets and have the freedom to organize your notes and content anyway you want.
This could be a great tool for schools, teachers, and students to use for projects and collaboration. Stixy Works - from the Stixy Site:
Here is a short summary of how Stixy works. If you don't find the answer to your question, please send an e-mail to
Get started
Start Here
Start a NEW Stixyboard or OPEN the list over already created boards in the top bar menu.
This is your Stixyboard
This is your work area where you place your content. There are no fixed grids or maximum size on a board.
Widgets are the building blocks for your board. Select the type of content or functionality you want; drag, position and release a widget anywhere on your board. Once placed, you can resize, design, and move your widget around.Create
Use “Add” Photo or Document and select your files. You can upload one or several files at a time.
Customize & Design
Each widget type has a number of options. For the Note widget, you can change font, font size, font color, note color, color transparency, etc.
Add Content
Drag n’ drop Notes, Photos, Images, Documents and To-Do list directly from the bottom bar.Invite
Each board has a unique set of members
Your invitations are set per Stixyboard, i.e. you can share each board with different people.
To Share a Stixyboard
When sharing a board, you give the people you invite the same rights to your board as you have, i.e. they can upload, edit, change title, add new invites, delete content etc.
Invite to Share
Invite the people you want to share your Stixyboard with by selecting from your contact list or by adding a new e-mail address under New Contact.Stixyboard options
Open up the access to your Stixyboard by selecting the settings under Guest Access.
Board Options
Stixyboard information as well as other settings under Options, is set per Stixyboard.
Stixyboard Info
Give your Stixyboard a title, tags, and, if you like, a description. Tags are useful since you can sort your list of Stixyboards by using these.Personal settings
Personal Information
Set your time zone to make sure that you get your reminders on time. The time zone is set per user, not per Stixyboard. We will never give or sell any of your personal information to a third party, except when required by law.
The e-mail address entered here is the address you use when signing in to Stixy. We also use it to communicate with you if you, for instance, forget your password.
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